Rockstar International Foundation

Welcome to the website of Rockstar International Foundation.

As an entrepreneur or charity worker, you’ll know how important it is to help others.

Entrepreneurs contribute a significant amount when it comes to economic growth, and they often want to contribute in other ways. Our mission is to provide resources that support entrepreneurs, high net worth individuals and others to leave legacies that help others to help others over many generations.

Our clients are typically:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Philanthropists Social charities Environmental charities
  • Social charities
  • Environmental charities

In short, we provide the resources that help with the contribution part of a financial plan. This might be in the form of financial structures, systems to deliver benefaction or access to high performing investment funds.

We’re dedicated to increasing the charitable impact that our clients dream of whether it’s funding good causes or delivering a lifetime award to those who have donated time and energy of inestimable value to make a difference for others.

Ours is a service for the humanitarians and the altruistic.

If you’re interested, discover our foundational programs.

Gift Again

This pioneering program enables investors and funders of non-profits and charities to gift more than once and in a sustainable way. The program makes this possible by:

  • Managing donation funds to produce income and growth
  • Making it possible for donators to opt to receive their original fund to be able to give it again
  • Reinvest and grow funds so that they can be sustainably support over a longer period

You can find out more about the program and how we are helping society at the Gift Again website.

Simple Drinking Water

To give you an example of what’s possible when it comes to our resources supporting an entire charity, we’d like to tell you about Simple Drinking Water. We provided a team of mentors in business, marketing, fund raising and fund management for Simple Drinking Water. They have since expanded their reach to make it possible to send their Simple Drinking Water system all over the world to whoever needs it.

Discover how Simple Drinking Water is changing the world, one drop of water at a time.

It’s not everywhere in the world that it’s possible to enjoy access to clean and safe drinking water. In fact, an incalculable number of people must walk for miles to collect water every day. They might collect their water from a small stream or a borehole or spring. Often the water is impure and contaminated with human waste, animal waste or even chemicals. Unfortunately, this results in thousands of people dying every year from drinking water that is not clean or safe to drink.

The Simple Drinking Water makes it possible for people all around the world to access clean water. This simple but highly effective approach works by adding water to a tank with a filter. The filter removes the impurities from the water source to leave clean and uncontaminated water that is safe to drink. Visit the Simple Drinking Water website to find out more.

If you are looking for support in developing your charitable legacy, contact us today. Let your imagination soar. What could you do that will change the lives of others?