Luna Venturi is the Founder and Managing Director of ArtCultureTranslated. This company is specifically focused on providing translators within the Arts and Cultural sectors, to help museums, galleries, cultural, tourist & heritage sites to engage with their global multi-lingual audiences. Not only are their translators highly qualified in 50 languages, but all of them have extensive knowledge & expertise in the world of Art. No matter what area of Arts and Culture you are exploring, photography, art, architecture, archeology etc. they have the perfect person for any project. As well as helping tourist organisations to provide all their exhibiting information in as many languages as possible, ArtCultureTranslated are very excited to have been involved in the translation of many exhibition materials and publications. Their aim is to establish new partnerships with museums and cultural institutions across the world, to help break down the language barrier and make their collections more accessible. Luna came to the Rockstar Hub for both office space and mentoring: “Not only do you have all the facilities that you need, but the mentoring service is fantastic! You have access to invaluable advice and all the expertise you need from very successful entrepreneurs, who always go the extra mile. They really want you to succeed. I found the environment was really fantastic, to be able to liaise and connect with other entrepreneurs going through the same process as me, we share, stories, success and mistakes. I have found that really inspiring and motivating as well… knowing that you are in the same boat really helps.” To find out how Rockstar Hubs can help with your business success why not take advantage of our 1-to-1 mentoring session offer. SPECIAL OFFER: Book an initial sales and business strategy mentoring session with the Rockstar Mentor of your choice in the Hub. Discounted rate of only £47+VAT Click the link below now to secure your place: