Rockstar Hubs Interviews: Matt Black

Matt Black is the Founder and Business Strategist of helps business owners, startups and even people who are just at the ideas stage, to make the right choices to succeed in business. They provide both mentoring and training programs. Matt came to The Rockstar Hub looking for mentoring and office space: “I’ve been pretty successful in business and even though I’m quite experienced, I still benefit a lot from good quality mentoring. I’ve paid for some world class mentoring here at Rockstar Hubs I’ve greatly benefited from being a member of Rockstar Hubs. In fact, I saw the opportunity really early and recognised it for what it really was . I was one of the first people to move in and since then my business has grown leaps and bounds by the connections and relationships I’ve been able to form here, both with other residents and and with people visiting.” To find out how Rockstar Hubs can help with your business success why not take advantage of our 1-to-1 mentoring session offer: SPECIAL OFFER: Book an initial sales and business strategy mentoring session with the Rockstar Mentor of your choice in the Hub. Discounted rate of only £47+VAT (down from £247+VAT) Click the link below now to secure your place: